Rural Residential Infill

The Watchi Bay area (in IR 21E) includes land on the north end of IR 21E for a 20+ parcel subdivision between Watchi Bay and Highway 10, not far from the turnoff for the airport. Houses have already been developed on some of these lots. Houses in this location would use well water for drinking and holding tanks for wastewater.

Opaskwayak has another area of undeveloped land in IR 21A south of the Town of The Pas between Highway 10 and Cemetery Lake. The Master Plan proposes 100 rural single-detached residential lots and a tiny home village (for up to 50 tiny homes) tucked into this forested area. It also features a green space close to Cemetery Lake with an outdoor soccer field. Piped water services would have to be extended from the north or south to service this part of 21A, along with a service-sharing agreement signed with the RM of Kelsey.

Opaskwayak’s 21A South is located ten kilometres south of the Town of The Pas on the west side of Highway 10. The Master Plan proposes 17 lots for single-detached houses in this area, with larger rural lot sizes measuring 60 x 100 metres. The design retains as much of the forested area on the site as possible and expands the existing pond. The western portion of the site is left intact, as it has been underwater in previous flood events.